So, yeah ... I'm on Facebook. Find me and friend me here.
One of the key parts of Facebook is your "status update." What are you doing? What are you thinking? What do you want your friends to know? What's on your mind about life, the universe, and everything? Some people are very literal ... "John Smith is going to bed. G'night!" Some people like to quote lyrics from songs, some their favorite quotations, some just like to be provocative and stir conversations among their friends - much like the old "bulletin boards" in the early days of the Web.
Some people - and I fall into this category, well, most of the time, I hope - like to add a dash of creativity or humor in their updates. There is even a contest and a Facebook application called "Status Kings" ... where community users can vote on the posted statuses and at the end of the week the person with the most votes gets a free tee shirt with their winning status inked on the front. I'm going to excerpt past winners for today's post.
A periodic posting
"Karen would rather check her Facebook than face her checkbook."
"Marianela remembers when shopping for cereal was a lot more fun when you cared more about the toy than the fiber."
"Greg believes that if you tell your boss what you really think of him, the truth will set you free."
"Donna is feeling blue ... maybe I should take off this Smurf costume."
"Christi thinks that if I stand high enough on my tippy tippy toes ... I might be able to see Friday."
"Rob started time traveling next year."
"Nigel says ignorance is bliss but on YouTube it's a prerequisite."
"Paul's girlfriend came home from work yesterday crying and asked me to console her. So I hit her over the head with my Playstation."
"Julienne is cle'a] he'r ke]yb29oa;rd."
"Ian feels like getting some work done ... so he is sitting down until the feeling passes."
"Jared is wondering where he is going and why he's in this hand basket."
"Alyssa was bringing sexy back, but lost the receipt."
"Chris is the guy who let the dogs out."
"Craig says silence is golden but duct tape is silver."
"Troy is trying out for 'Home School Musical' ."
"John is 100% positive he isn't sure."
[selected from the Status Kings application on Facebook]
Not much going on this weekend, for a change. Maybe we'll pull some pennies together and go see one of those new summer movies after I get out of work tomorrow.
Anyway, I'll see you on Monday.
WEB SITE of the WEEK: With my wife and I working two jobs each we don't always have time to eat at home, and/or we're often too tired to cook something up. We have been eating at home much more often these past few weeks, since Bonnie's big salary cut kicked in (long story) ... but now there's a site where, for under a dollar, we can purchase the recipes for meals found in all those restaurants we used to frequent, from fast food joints to national franchise chains. Golly, there's even a recipe for Oreo cookies at
Mark's Musings is sent each weekday - pretty reliably - using Ezine Director and I pay a little extra every day to make sure those folks are certified by Habeas to be a safe sender of e-mail. That means you can trust what I send to be free of spam, bots, cookies, or any other electronic crumbs. Subscribe, view past issues in my Archives, and otherwise click a few hours away at my web site. To contact me and sooner or later get a reply, click here. My best friend calls Facebook "MyFace." You can forward or reprint "Mark's Musings" freely but please keep the credits attached. Orphaned credits are a blight on society. Original material and musings © 2009 by Mark Raymond. I update this blog with a copy of my post daily and occasionally with "bonus material" whenever the mood or muse strikes. Hasn't happened for awhile. I blame the busy weekends. Anyway, look for the label that says "bonus" and you can bring all that extra material up with one click. My personal mission statement remains John 3:30. This post will self-destruct in five seconds. Four. Three....
WORDS for YOUR WEEKEND: "There are some ideas so wrong that only a very intelligent person could believe in them." (George Orwell)