As we prepare to put January in the rear view mirror of our journey down the road of life, Maria Gracia has your February already planned out for you, at least if you want to get a good start on organizing your life and enjoy checking things off.
Me, I'm just counting the days until Spring.
Pig farmers have never done well in the United States. Most Americans simply prefer beef to pork. Hamburger remains an American favorite, even though it contains absolutely no ham.
The people who raise pigs were hopeful to see a significant increase in their sales and business after the Mad Cow Disease scares, but soon saw that the poultry and fish industries were the ones who profited the most. Sales of ham and bacon remained virtually unchanged.
So the National Porcine Administration hired a major Madison Avenue advertising firm to try and boost the sales of pork products. Soon there was an intensive advertising campaign saturating magazines, television, and radio with ads urging people to eat patties made from pork.
The campaign was given an added boost when special interest lobbyists convinced Congress to designate the second day of February as a national holiday when every family in the country would be urged to eat pork burgers.
That day would be celebrated as, naturally, Ground Hog Day.
[from Jokes Central with thanks to Stan Kegel]
WISDOM for YOUR WEEK: "Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion." (Proverbs 11:22)
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