Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Cat Person

"Behold the strength of my armor, foul rodent, and prepare to meet thy maker! Have at thee!"

Yes, troops, that is a suit of armor ... for a cat. It was created by Canadian metalsmith Jeff de Boer. And yes, he once put one of his suits on his cat, and he says he has the scars to prove it. And just to provide a sense of balance to the universe, he then went ahead and created suits of armor for mice.

You can see a gallery of his work here.



You refer to going to the bathroom as "using the litterbox."

Cat hair in your food is just extra fiber.

You snap your fingers and pat the couch beside you when asking guests to sit down.

In your bed at night, you sleep *around* the cat.

You've overheard the neighbors refer to you as "that crazy cat lady."

You call home to leave a voice mail just so the cat can hear your voice.

You choose a house based on it having a good location for the catbox.

[from Joke Archives website]


WONDER for YOUR WEEK: Squirrels hide nuts. Dogs hide bones. What do cats hide? Should I be worried?


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