Wednesday, January 30, 2008

More Real Office Quotes

Fluorescent lights are everywhere. They're cheap, they're bright, and they last for a long, long time. So we use them. Ubiquitously.

But, let's face it, they're ugly. Oh, sure, we try to cover them up with that cheap plastic cover - called a "light diffuser," by the way - but there's still nothing that adds the doldrums to our work world like dull, corporate fluorescent lighting.

Well, the folks at Skyscapes are looking to change all that.

The next time you're in the middle of a long, gray day, why not look up and see the clouds, even if you're stuck in a cube farm? Or maybe some jets? The Stars and Stripes? The view from a coral reef? How about your favorite Dilbert® characters?



"There's more than one way to peel a cat."

"That woman uses olive oil like it grows on trees."

"He'd give you the arm off his back."

"We do not have a smoking cow at this point."

"It's our golden goose. We better figure out how to make her purr."

"You are in the top one hundred percent."

"He'd still be alive today if he hadn't died."

"I'm up to my earballs in work."

"People are dying like pancakes around here."

[selected from Dilbert Newsletter 66.0]


WONDER for YOUR WEEK: Why is it when we're at work we talk about our recreational life, but when we're out having fun and meet someone we know, we talk about how work is going?


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