Wow, Wednesday just slipped right away from me here as I'm deep in prep work for a fundraising concert next week. So. It's Thursday.
There's a new $100 bill coming next month. Get to know it.
The parking situation near my workplace downtown is just getting horrendous. My coworker came in the other day and said he had received a parking ticket for $100. But he was going to get a lawyer and fight it.
When he called the attorney's office, he was using his speakerphone so several of us were able to overhear the entire conversation.
The attorney said, "I've heard of a $10 ticket for parking, a $20 ticket for double-parking, and a $50 ticket for blocking a fire hydrant ... but where were you parked to get a $100 ticket?"
My coworker kind of sheepishly replied, "On top of another car."
[Syman Says via Ed Peacher's Laughter for a Saturday]
WISDOM for YOUR WEEK: "Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth." (Psalm 100:1)
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