DEPARTMENT of REMINDERS: For those of you who live in states that observe Daylight Savings Time (DST), it's time to "fall back." Set your clocks back one hour on Sunday, at 2:00 a.m., or Saturday before you go to bed. Secondly, the response to my "Life's Little Rules" request has been strong enough to warrant a post in one week. So you can still send me the "little rules" you live by and I'll compile them into a larger list for everyone. Click here to launch your e-mail program.
I went to the doctor yesterday for my quarterly diabetic checkup and the usual laundry list of other miscellaneous medical items, so perhaps that's why this caught my attention Thursday evening.
Reminded me of Stephen Wright's line: "My plan is to live forever. So far, so good."
I've learned that no matter what, say what you feel and feel what you say, otherwise it's just words. (Age 14)
I've learned that God is an endless fountain of forgiveness and patience. (Age 17)
I've learned that we spend too much time wishing for things we don't have and missing the things we do. (Age 22)
I've learned that you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for a lifetime. (Age 27)
I've learned that love - not time - heals all wounds. (Age 31)
I've learned that under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved. (Age 46)
I've learned that there are no unimportant acts of kindness. (Age 51)
I've learned never to go to bed with an argument unsettled. (Age 73)
[selected from Jokes Central]
Whatever your tradition on Halloween, I hope you enjoy it and keep it good, clean, fun. We'll be clearing out another room. On Monday we begin the remodel of the room where my new home office will be housed.
I'll see you on Monday. And don't forget about the clock thing.
WEB SITE of the WEEK: My son is participating in another one of those "grow a moustache" fundraisers during the month of November. This time it will raise money for prostate and testicular cancer. The site calls your 'stache a "mo" so the address is Look for my boy and vote for him, and pledge him money. And/or join the friendly contest yourself and let me know about it!
Mark's Musings is sent each weekday whether I want to or not using Ezine Director and I pay a little extra every day to make sure my posts are certified by Habeas to be a safe source of e-mail. Subscribe, view past issues in my Archives, and click through the pages over at my web site. To contact me and sooner or later get a reply, click here. To make a change, just start. Don't wait for a new day, or a new year, or a new spouse, just start now. You can forward or reprint "Mark's Musings" freely but please keep the credits attached. The credits need to feel wanted; just like me. Original material and musings © 2009 by Mark Raymond. I update this blog with a copy of my post daily and occasionally with "bonus material" whenever the mood or muse strikes. Look for the label that says "bonus" and you can bring all that extra material up with one click. My personal mission statement remains John 3:30. Find me on Facebook at Just call me Deadline Dan. So much to do.
WORDS for YOUR WEEKEND: "I will not allow yesterday's success to lull me into today's complacency, for this is the great foundation of failure." (Og Mandino)