Thursday, December 11, 2008

Interesting Essays

Really? Has the stress and speed of our society come to this?

Concentrate Design Company in the U.K. has developed and is selling a "pre-chewed pencil" for kids and adults who are just too busy to bother with taking the time to gnaw on the graphite stick for themselves.

And you thought I was kidding.



Type every word in a different font.

Support your thesis with quotes from your DVD manual.

Write the entire paper on Post-It® Notes.

Make your last sentence: "This paper will self-destruct in 10 seconds."

Cite issues of Spiderman and Batman in your bibliography references.

Type the paper with your fingers one row higher or lower on the keyboard.

Use no vowels. Explain that if you do, the terrorists will have won.

If it's a really long paper, include a recipe for chocolate cake in the middle and see if anyone notices.

Record yourself singing your paper. Opera-style.

Print all the pages on one sheet of paper. Explain that was all the paper you had.

Give all prominent historical figures nicknames. For example, refer to Ben Franklin as "Sparky."

[selected from with edits and additional material by Mark Raymond]


WISDOM for YOUR WEEK: "Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart." (Proverbs 3:3)


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