Thursday, September 23, 2010

Teen Hunger

As part of my latest attempt to take off a few pounds, I've been walking daily with my wife. We're up to a mile a day.

It has given us the courage to sign up for the annual CROP Walk, which is one of the main fundraisers for the work Church World Service does to provide hunger relief both locally and around the globe.

So, yeah, I'm looking for sponsors (read: donors). My goal is to raise $150. You can help me - and, by extension - a whole bunch of other hungry people - right here.


During my last outing with friends, the subject of teenagers came up, and how they were always grazing and hungry. Most agreed that teenagers would generally eat anything, anywhere, as long as it was free. Some in the group expressed concern that with such eating habits, it was hard to tell when a teenager was *actually* hungry and when was the right time to feed them well.

Then one parental veteran - who had raised six kids - told us of his method for determining how hungry a teen truly was.

"I hold up a piece of cold broccoli ... if they start jumping and snapping at it, I figured they were hungry enough to be fed."

[first seen in Joe's Clean Laffs]


WISDOM for YOUR WEEK: "Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh." (Luke 6:21)


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