Monday, April 28, 2008

Keeping A Secret

Hey, welcome to all the new list members (advertising works!). I hope you enjoy what you see here in Mark's Musings and don't hesitate to contact me and hold me accountable for the experience.

List member Jonathan B. from Down Under says it's time to run another reader submission post. This time the theme will be, "You know you're getting older when...." and y'all fill in the rest of that sentence.

My birthday is coming up in just under three weeks so that's been on my mind, anyway. Let's get those ideas submitted to me, and I'll publish them on Friday, May 9. (Which, by the way, is my son's birthday.)


At a dinner party, several of the guests were discussing whether men or women are more capable of holding a confidence.

Said one man, scornfully, "No woman can keep a secret."

"I don't know about that," replied one woman, "I have kept my age a secret since I was twenty-one!"

"Oh, you'll tell someone one day," the man insisted.

"I hardly think so!" said the woman. "If a woman can keep a secret for thirty-three years, she can keep it forever!"

[Good Clean Funnies List via Doc's Daily Chuckle]


WORD for YOUR WEEK: When someone says that they've upset their "circadian rhythms," what exactly do they mean? The word "circadian" is a compound of two Latin words: "circa," which means "around" and "dies," which means "day." The word literally means around the day ... or one 24-hour period. Through the ebb and flow of our daily lives, we establish a 24-hour routine of sleep, work, and relaxation. When that routine is disrupted - especially the sleep portion of it - we have upset our circadian rhythms.


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