Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Cemetery Chat

The cemetery in Sarpourenx, France, is full. And the area's district court recently turned down an administrative request to acquire adjacent land in order to expand the cemetery. So what's a mayor to do?

Post an ordinance saying that anyone who dies in the village will be "severely punished," of course.

No, really.

That must be what they mean by "a fate worse than death."


An elderly man took his grandson on a walk through the local cemetery one day. Pausing in front of one gravestone, he told the boy, "Here lies an honest man. He died owing me $50, but he struggled to the end to pay it back. I suspect that man is in heaven."

The pair walked on a bit farther and paused before another grave marker. The old man pointed to the headstone and said, "Now here's a different type of man altogether. He owes me $60 and he died without ever once trying to pay me back. It wouldn't surprise me at all to learn he is in hell."

As the two of them were walking home, the boy says to his grandfather, "You know, Grandpa, you're a pretty lucky guy."

"How's that?" Grandpa asks.

"No matter which place you end up in, you'll have some money coming to you!"

[Andychap's The_Funnies; edited by Mark Raymond]


WONDER for YOUR WEEK: Do caskets come with a lifetime warranty?


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