ERRATA: D'oh! List member George J. correctly pointed out that *any* 31-day month in which Friday is the first will have five full weekends. 823 years, my eye! That'll learn me to take other bloggers at face value. My apologies for this fact-checking failure.
In my mind, Spring begins today. Spring Training games are in full swing down in Florida and Arizona, I resume my walking program today, and the temperatures here are slowly rising.
However, even though I'd like to believe it's Spring, the calendar says that season's beginning is still three weeks away. And in betwixt hither and yon are likely to be some pretty cold days and some pretty nasty weather.
So why not download some hearty soup, stew, and chowder recipes from The Old Farmer's Almanac?
A small girl who had spent most of the day playing outside came up to her Mommy late one afternoon and said, "Mommy, my tummy hurts."
"That's because it's empty," Mom replied. "You have to put something in it." So she fixed up a nice warm bowl of soup with crackers for her daughter.
Later that week their pastor and his wife came over for dinner and during the after dinner conversation, the pastor winced, touched his hand to his head and explained that he'd had a terrible headache all day and his head was still hurting.
And right on cue, the little girl piped up and said, "That's because it's empty. You have to put something in it."
[with thanks again to Pastor Tim's CleanLaugh]
WORDS for YOUR WEEK: "Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see." (Neil Postman)
Mark's Musings is served on an RSS Feed, ladled into a Facebook Note, poured into the Amazon Kindle and enjoyed via e-mail each weekday (usually). Subscriptions are free. ISSN 2154-9761
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