Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wedding Toss

The first date I ever had with my wife was attending a friend's wedding.

And as we stand on the cusp of Memorial Day kicking off another summertime, that season is here once again.

I'm not crazy about all the ads distracting the eye at Oprah's website, but there's a pretty good article about how to be a great guest at a wedding. I picked up a few tips.


Although we were being married in New Hampshire, I wanted to add a touch of my home state - Kansas - to the wedding. My fiancée, in explaining this to a friend, said that meant we were going to have guests throw wheat, instead of rice, as we left the church.

Our friend thought for a moment, then solemnly said, "It's a good thing he's not from Idaho!"

[Joe's Clean Laffs]


WORD for YOUR WEEK: So from where do we get the word "nuptials"? Once again, it goes back to Latin, where nubere meant "take as husband," or "marry." The past tense version was nupta, and nuptiae referred to the wedding.


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