Friday, October 29, 2010

Ghost Photo

Well, once again the ebb and flow of my life this week didn't allow me to get to writing until it was too late in the day to trouble your Inbox, so, as always, everything you may have missed is here on the blog.

Meanwhile, drive safe this weekend as the day turns to dusk. Little ones will quite possibly be out extorting candy from strangers by use of excessive cuteness.


A photographer went to a castle determined to snap a photo of a ghost that was said to appear at midnight only once every 100 years.

So the photographer waited, sitting in the dark, and suddenly the apparition appears before him.

The ghost turned out to be a friendly one and agreed to pose for the snapshot. The happy photographer grabbed the shot, the ghost disappeared, and the photographer quickly called up the image on his camera's viewscreen ... and then he groaned at the mostly black image.

It seems the spirit was willing but the flash was weak.

[Net 153s Smile A Day]


WEBSITE of the WEEK: It's still that time of year ... have a great youth outing with your church or school at a local corn maze. Find one at But hurry before the weather turns too unbearably brisk.


Mark's Musings is available via an RSS Feed, a Facebook Note, the Amazon Kindle and via e-mail each weekday (usually). Subscriptions are free. ISSN 2154-9761.

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