Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Rejected Names

Oh, dear. Some of you couldn't watch the Superbowl Commercials because access to the NBC website was apparently not available in your area. Here's a site that will tell you lots of alternative locations to view them online.

And other than that, troops, I am just all in. Pooped. Exhausted. Burned out. Crispy, even.

So I'm going to bed an hour earlier Monday night, which means just the joke today.



Brussels Sprouts

Cannes Openers

Belgium Waffles

Manila Folders

Czech Bouncers

Bolivia DeHavillands

Seoul Brothers

Taipei Personalities

Syria Killers

Hungary Jacks

Prague Tologists

Peking Toms

[selected from Net 153s Sunday Funnies via Ed Peacher's Laughter for a Saturday]


WORDS for YOUR WEEK: (Regarding football) "You have to play this game like somebody just hit your mother with a two-by-four." (Dan Birdwell)


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