Thursday, January 10, 2008

Brown Paper Jake

Want to help save some trees? Enough every year to fill up Rhode Island?

And it's something so simple even you can do it, if you're not doing it already.

Change the margins. That's it. Instead of the "luxurious" 1.25 inches that comes default on most word processing programs, settle for the more economical .75 inches.

If you follow some of the links I started you off on, you'll eventually wind up at a petition to Microsoft to reset the default margins on their wildly-popular Office programs in order to save some trees.


A sheriff walks into the saloon and shouts for everyone's attention. "Has anyone seen Brown Paper Jake?" he asks in a loud voice.

"What's he look like?" inquires one shoddy-looking cowboy.

"Well," says the sheriff, "He wears a brown paper hat, a brown paper waistcoat, a brown paper shirt, brown paper boots, brown paper pants, and a brown paper jacket."

"So what's he wanted for?" asks somebody else.


[from Professor Howdy's Blog]


WISDOM for YOUR WEEK: "I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete." (2 John 1:12)


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