Wednesday, March 18, 2009

So Broke

I need to pay my daughter her allowance. She wants to get paid before her Mom's birthday tomorrow, but my paycheck doesn't arrive until Friday. I guess I'll have to do some deficit-spending.

Which brings me to an issue of economics.

The government's economic bailout of several industries combined with the presidential stimulus plan are driving our national debt into the trillions of dollars.

That figure is too large to get your head around, isn't it?

This may help.



...I go to KFC and lick *other* people's fingers. girlfriend and I got married for the rice.

...if I want a small fry with my meal I have to put it on layaway.

...if I wanted to rub two nickels together, I'd have to borrow one. Christmas, all my wife and I exchanged were glances.

...the bank asked for their calendar back.

...someone saw me kicking a can down the street and when they asked me what I was doing, I said, "moving."

[selected from basic]


WONDER for YOUR WEEK: How did it come to pass that "making a living" means you're just doing okay, but "making a killing" means you're doing great?


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