Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Corporate Dogs

Does your pet have a personality?

You probably just said to yourself, "Of course he/she/it does," right?

So if your pet has a personality, that means it can get moody, yes? Irritable? Depressed? Go through separation anxiety when you're not home with it?

Well, if you own a dog, there's hope for your depressed Dino. Though I'm only now catching up to this news, apparently about a year ago the Food and Drug Administration approved the use of antidepressants for canines. They call it "Reconcile."

And you thought I was kidding.



It's perfectly acceptable for your coworkers to go through your trash.

Petting of subordinates is permitted.

All discipline is issued with a rolled-up newspaper.

Accounting figures are adjusted by a factor of seven.

All employees must wash hands when coming in from the backyard.

Snacks at official company meetings include donuts, coffee, and meat byproducts.

Employees circle their desks three times before sitting down.

[with thanks to Grinning Planet; edits and additional material by Mark Raymond]


WONDER for YOUR WEEK: How come no one ever says "I'm as healthy as a dog"?


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